Cinema After Corona: with William Greer, Cinema Touching Disability Film Festival, Texas, USA

by Sherif Awad

William Greer is director of the Cinema Touching Disability Film Festival organized by (CTD), the Coalition of Texans with Disabilities. As a teenager, he was involved in an accident that resulted in an open skull wound and left him blind. This accident did not stop him from either completing high school or earning a BA in Political Science from Kenyon College. Greer began volunteering at CTD in 2003 and has since joined the staff. He founded the Cinema Touching Disability Film Festival in 2004 as a public awareness and fundraising project. The festival has grown to include an international Short Film Competition, appearances by film stars and directors, and multiple nights of screenings. The competition now receives entries from around the globe.

In our cycle on Cinema After Corona, both on and, William Greer joined us to speak live about the preparation of the upcoming edition…

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Sherif M. Awad
Sherif M. Awad
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