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SHERIF AWAD:Where did the idea for Mediterranea come from? Every year during the month of April many Africans try their luck onto crossing from Libya to Italy in canoes because the Sea is warmer and...
Egyptian cinema: Top 10 Films of all time Sherif Awad The history of Egyptian goes back to the year 1896, when, on the 5th of November, spectators attended the first film screening in Alexandria. On...
شريف عوض يُظهر هذا الفيلم الوثائقي، من خلال تقنيات حديثة تستخدم التحريك والجرافيكس ناهيك عن التصوير المتميز الغني بصرياً، كيف رسمت دولة أنغولا الأفريقية وأبناء أرضها صورة ملحمية لواحدة من أطول حركات...
SHERIF AWAD En su duodécimo año y creado por el actor Robert DeNiro, el Festival de Cine de Tribeca en Nueva York ha llegado a ser uno de los eventos culturales más prestigiosos y populares en el...
Sherif Awad es un egipcio, crítico de cine, curador y programador de los festivales de cine de Luxor, El Cairo, Alejandría y Rotterdam. Es editor de cine para la revista Egipto Hoy, el periódico...
Vida Rizq co-founder of by Sherif Awad Since the revolution of the 25th of January 2011, Egyptian filmmakers and film stars have been trying to overcome the problems surrounding the...
By Sherif Awad A scene from Crop taken at al-Ahram building in downtown Cairo The Egyptian revolution in January 25 mystified numerous artists and filmmakers in Egypt and beyond. Since its first spark...
by Sherif Awad It is very common to meet someone of Indian descent who speaks English fluently but it is a rarity to find that same person also equally fluent fluent in French, Russian, German...
by Sherif Awad For viewers and critics alike, climbing action films on are defined by big Hollywood production like The Mountain starring Spencer Tracey, The Eiger Sanction starring Clint Eastwood...