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by Sherif Awad Killers of the Flower Moon is a new film by Martin Scorsese will reunite Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert De Niro after This Boy’s Life, the 1993 drama. Eric Roth wrote the...
by Sherif Awad Smartphone films are not any longer just a fun experiment: they’re subsequent step towards a replacement age of cinema, already attracting top performers and influential...
by Sherif Awad Veteran actor Russell Crowe recently revealed the character he will play in the upcoming Marvel movie Thor: Love and Thunder. As per People Magazine, Crowe was speculated to be a...
por Sherif Awad Bom dia Sou Andre Melo, de Brasil Fui criado com avós mas pais presentes; comecei a me interessar por artes ainda na infância. Quando novo a...
de Sherif Awad Bonjour C’est Guillaume Jean Lefebvre… Je suis né en France, à Remiremont une commune de l’est de la France, dès mon plus jeune âge j’ai...
de Sherif Awad Bonjour! Je suis Ahmed Soura alias Ahmed Bill Faso, Artiste Chorégraphique et PDG de YONGONLON production… Mon passé est rempli de tristesses, de joies et de défis. Ma propre...
di Sherif Awad -Mi chiamo Franco Di Donato, sono nato da una famiglia umile e onesta, mio padre era un operaio delle cartiere Burgo e mia madre casalinga. All’eta’ di 10 anni assemblavo...
di Sherif Awad Nella mia famiglia non c’è mai stato nessuno particolarmente interessato al cinema, al teatro o alla recitazione in generale. Al liceo quando non avevo fatto i compiti o studiato...