
Sherif M. Awad

film critic-curator

since 1990

Latest Articles:

Ten Reasons to Watch the New Netflix Jeffrey Dahmer Movie

 by Sherif Awad The new Netflix movie “Dahmer” is out , and it’s a movie that could really change your perspective on who Jeffrey Dahmer really was. In this article, we’re...

Top 5 Movies with Special Effects Makeup

 by Sherif Awad Special effects makeup is a type of makeup that is used to create special effects in movies, television, and theater. It can be used to create a variety of looks, from realistic...

How to Write A Winning Entertainment Article That Gets The Most Traffic To Your Website? AdWords’ Keyword Planner Will be Your Guide…

by Sherif M. Awad  What makes a story go viral? What are the essential ingredients for a blockbuster entertainment article that will have people clicking and sharing like crazy? There is no...

How Cinema Tech Can Help Your Next Event: The Latest Innovations in Hiring Movie Screens?

by Sherif Awad  Did you know that around 60% of adults in the U.S. go to movies as their preferred form of entertainment? In fact, movie ticket sales have been rising steadily for the past 20...

2nd Hope International Film Festival (HIFF) – Sherif M. Awad (Artistic Director)

  2nd Hope International Film Festival (HIFF) opens in Rome’s Casa Del Cinema, Sept 27, 2022 Opening Film is the Italian UPSIDE DOWN with the attendance of its star and director. 30 Short Films...

Top Movies About Queen Elizabeth II

by Sherif Awad Queen Elizabeth II is the longest-reigning British monarch and the first woman to rule the United Kingdom. She has held the title of Queen since 1952, when her father, George VI, died...

Celebrity Who Were Recently Trending on Google

by Sherif Awad So you think that being famous gives you the luxury of having a private life? Think again. The world has become so interconnected and digital that every little detail about your life is...

The 5 Most Beloved Lawyer Characters in Movies

 by Sherif Awad In the world of cinema, lawyers typically come in two flavors: sinister or incompetent. Rarely do we see a nuanced and positive portrayal of an attorney on screen. That’s probably...

What is trending in arts and entertainment? our monthly selection:

by Sherif Awad 1. Social media is a big player in the arts and entertainment world. Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are being used by artists and entertainers to connect with fans and...
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